Why using SAVATE ?
Savate is the official martial art of RAID, the French antiteroriste Force. Savate, also known as Boxe Francaise in France, is a martial art in which kicks are combined with Boxing Punches and Street Fighting techniques like headbuts are employed. Savate's kicks are designed to use hard footwear such as boots or hard shoes to maximum efficiency. Basically with the martial art of Savate you use techniques that uses the hard part of a sturdy shoes such as the hard tip or heels to hurt your opponenet as much as possible and knock them out unconcious or kill them.
Many of RAID's members are masters of Savate and were former National Savate champions. In RAID training sparring in Savate is one of the main things done in training and we are talking about Street Fighting Savate not Boxe Francaise the sport variation. Thus even recruitees who never heard of Savate(its a niche sport in France with only a very small number of followers) become very proficient in Savate, enough to kill terrorists in case close quarter combat occurs.
We will provide you the best Street fight technics !!!!!!
No blabla , no supposition, no scenario !
Here, you are in a real combative Instruction!
What make SAVATE speciale ?
SAVATE, is the unique Martial Art who use shoes as a weapon. We will learn to fight with appropriates distances "tuch, without be touched" is all the art of SAVATE.
An effectiv arsenal of Kicks, punches, clinches and ground defense.The other big particularity of SAVATE, is that all strikes are gives in direction of vital body parts : Throat, plexus,lever and all the other weaked parts of the human body